The Bosun’s Chronicle brings the latest news and views about Thomas Kydd and his creator - Julian Stockwin. This free e-mail newsletter contains contests, book reviews, information on the great age of fighting sail and tales from other Shipmates about their own adventures. Each month there is a special Lucky Draw - one new subscriber will win a signed paperback of the first book in the series, Kydd.The Kydd series follows the adventures of Thomas Paine Kydd, former wig-maker, pressed into the Royal Navy as a seaman in 1793. There he learns the ways of the sea and meets the philosophical Renzi, an upper-class scion with his own reasons for serving in the lower-deck of a man-o-war. Together, Kydd and Renzi sail the world, facing mutinies, shipwrecks and the uncertainties of a sailor's life—and their bravery and resourcefulness bring them unexpected rewards. Free newsletter | Kydd books
United Kingdom: Her Majesty The Queen has awarded Bernard Cornwell, noted author, an OBE (Officer, Order of the British Empire) in recognition of his contributions to literature and the furtherance of British culture abroad. Mr. Cornwell is an internationally renowned author of historical novels. His Sharpe series of books have been entertaining readers since 1980 when the first installment, Sharpe’s Eagle, was published. Ever since, the series has showcased British exploits in the Napoleonic Wars to audiences around the world through the lens of Cornwell’s hero. The series was televised and, in the US, the series also ran on Masterpiece Theatre.
Britain’s Consul General to Boston, John Rankin, said, “I was delighted to hear that Her Majesty The Queen had given the award to Mr. Cornwell in her Birthday Honours List. Bernard Cornwell’s words have not only entertained millions of readers but have also brought key aspects of British history to modern-day audiences”.
Bernard Cornwell was born in London in 1944. He was raised in Essex, graduated from London University in 1966. Mr. Cornwell will travel to London later this year to receive the honour from Her Majesty The Queen at a ceremony at Buckingham Palace. see books by Bernard Cornwell
In this five-minute interview, McBooks author James Duffy discusses his book: Sand of the Arena: A Gladiators of the Empire Novel. The video is produced by Comcast Newsmakers / CNN Headline News. You can play the interview in Windows Media or Quicktime format. view video | buy this book